8 Weeks to Your First Chin-Up will guide you through 24 expertly-crafted training sessions to master one of the most functional fitness movements: the chin-up. Each session contains 2-4 exercises tailored towards your needs and ability level to guide your progress forward.
How will I get there?
You’ll begin the program by testing your current skill level. It’s important to know where you are starting so that we can start you from a place where you will see progress the quickest. Each session, you’ll complete a warm-up and 2 to 4 exercises to develop upper body, strength, core strength, and overhead mobility, which are the most important factors of the chin-up. Minimal equipment is needed, so this program could very easily be done from home as well as at a gym!
Can I add this to my current routine?
Definitely! This program is designed to work very well with most programs, however, we would recommend taking out any other upper back and bicep exercises from your current routine to avoid overtaxing those areas
What will I get?
8 Weeks to Your First Chin-Up will be downloaded immediately in the form of an eBook. Once it’s there, it’s yours forever. You can revisit this program as many times as you’d like for the rest of your life. The eBook makes it super simple for you to confidently complete each session. The eBook will act as your in-home trainer, containing links to videos demonstrating proper form for each and every skill and drill to ensure your success and safety.
Am I ready?
We recommend that you are able to hold your chin over the bar for 20 seconds, and that you have full overhead mobility before starting the program. However, if either of those are a limitation for you currently, there are mini-programs within this eBook to help you cross those off before starting the full program!
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